A Team shall consist of any five (5) individuals. These individuals may share membership in a stamp club, a philatelic society or fraternity, or join together solely for this competition.
An individual may be part of more than one team (a maximum of two). An individual may enter only one exhibit for each team that he/she is a part of in the 1-Frame Team Competition.
A team entry consists of five (5) 1-frame exhibits. Each exhibit must be the bona fide property of one and only one team member.
Team exhibits must be entered in the AmeriStamp Expo Single-Frame open competition. (See show prospectus for application procedures, as well as show rules & regulations.)
Exhibits entered in the Single-Frame Championship competition are not eligible. Note: AmeriStamp Expo rules state that an exhibit that is eligible for the Single-Frame Championship class is NOT eligible for the Single-Frame open competition. Additionally, exhibits that win a Grand at any WSP or Canadian National exhibition between January 01, 2016 and AmeriStamp Expo 2017 are not eligible for the 1-Frame Team Competition.
Exhibits will be evaluated by the jury with the following points assigned for each medal level: Large Gold = 110, Gold = 100, Large Vermeil = 90, Vermeil = 80, Large Silver = 70, Silver = 60, Silver-Bronze = 50, Bronze = 40, Certificate = 30.
Teams will earn a 15-point bonus for each �new� exhibit - never shown at the national or international level (minimum = 0; maximum = 75). Exhibits previously
shown at local/regional shows are acceptable as �new� exhibit.
Teams will earn a 10-point bonus for each Youth exhibit (as defined in the AmeriStamp Expo prospectus).
Teams will earn a 10-point bonus for each Novice exhibit (as defined by the rules for the AAPE Novice award).
A bonus of 25 points is earned by the exhibit winning the 1-Frame Grand Award, 15 points for the Reserve Grand Award and 10 points for the 1-Frame Youth Grand Award. Teams also earn 10 bonus points for each special award sponsored by the American Philatelic Society or the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors, no other Society award or special awards carry any points towards the team�s total score.
The team score is the total of the scores of its five entries plus any bonus points earned. The team with the highest aggregate score will be the winner.
Ties will be broken by 1) the number of new exhibits, 2) the number of different types 3) the number of Large Gold awards, 4) the number of Gold awards, 5) the number of Large Vermeil awards, 6) the number of Vermeil awards, 7) the number of Large Silver awards, and 8) the number of Silver awards and so on.
Each member of the winning team will receive an award. (Other awards may also be available to the 1-Frame Team competition.)
Exhibits entered in the 1-Frame Team competition are eligible for all applicable awards at AmeriStamp Expo (as set forth in the show prospectus).
Participants in the 1-Frame Team competition may enter other exhibits at AmeriStamp Expo (as set forth in the show prospectus).
There is no additional fee for participating in the 1-Frame Team competition at AmeriStamp Expo.
Teams must register with the 1-Frame Team competition coordinator by providing a list of the team members, their exhibit titles, whether the exhibit is �new�, whether the exhibitor is a youth or/and a novice and the exhibits� Types. Forms are available from the Coordinator: Sandeep Jaiswal PO Box 8689 Cranston, RI 02920 401-688-9473 or sj722@aol.com and from the web site of the AAPE:
AMERISTAMP EXPO 2018 1 Frame Competition Registration Form. The deadline for Team Registration is November 20th 2017.