Hennig Award Nomination Form

(Recipients List)

  1. Principally, excellence as a stamp show judge and/or philatelic literature judge, both as to accuracy of award levels and in being a skilled communicator so as to be helpful to exhibitors.
  2. Participation in critique services, CANEJ, contributions to understanding judging through articles in TPE or other philatelic media, and/or working on ad hoc committees or groups toward improving judging criteria or the judging process.
  3. Please see more detailed Hennig Award Criteria

Please complete the nomination form as best you can. Not all categories need to be addressed, but 1 through 3 are mandatory. There is also a printable form that can be mailed.
1A. Name Of Nominee:
1B. Name Of Nominator:
2. How does the nominee exemplify judging excellence?
3. Describe the nominee's strong points in working with individual exhibitors:
4. Has the nominee been involved in educating exhibitors and judges through written articles, seminars or in other ways?
5. Has the nominee been involved in improving the judging or exhibiting process?
6. Any additional information the Nominator would like to provide:

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